Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nosebleed and Bumi Manusia

well ya, after having a fever for quite a bit, my nose keeps bleeding now coz my body hasnt adapted well yet to the cold weather. Yesterday the temp reached -3oC.

Anyway, I came across an inspiring quote from Pramoedya Ananta Toer last nite. He's the famous writer from Indonesia. He was jailed for couples of time due to his controversial books on cultural breakthrough, criticizing governance and some other sensitive areas.

Jangan sebut aku perempuan sejati kalau aku masih hidup berkalang lelaki. Tapi bukan berarti aku tidak butuh lelaki untuk kucintai
- Bumi Manusia -

free translation from those above words are:
Do not name me a true woman if I still depended on a man. But that does not mean I do not need a man to love.

freedom is perfectly worded here. woman needs some space for a self-being, but that doesn't mean she is totally lost. She still respects man properly.

have a great sunday everyone!

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