Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Period!

yay! exam is over

didn't write so much recently coz nothing is special. I spent most of the time at home last two weeks.
for the sake of statistics and climate change economics I tried so hard to be very well mingled with those theories *phew*

and now, I have to get ready for the second period. the schedule is scaring me a lot. In 5 working days per week, I have 4 days w/ 8 hours classes and 1 day w/ 4 hours classes. am sure this will perfectly kill me.

there is no way to get out of this mess but go w/ the flow. wish for me.


have you ever been in the situation where you have nothing in life but zero?
I am exactly in that situation now
I came to the conclusion that my life means nothing for anybody else

you may call me drama queen but it's true to some extent

as a daughter, I've spent half of my age away from my parents and do not really have enough time to take care of them, make them happy, so on and so forth

and my love life, I've never really felt that I am good enough for Benny. We've been dating for more than seven years. quite a while. I must admitted, Benny plays more significant role in our relationship. he is super kind - we've never had a bad debating time. anytime I angry, he's cooling down and control the situation. Counting our bad time, is doable by your one hand's fingers. he is insightful - I can discuss so many thing w/ him. Compare to me, am kind of nothing in this relationship. am just a grumpy dumpy girl who always ruin up his day.

as a friend, I also mean nothing. am the most replaceable person :p
I've never been in a situation where friend needs me a lot for some reason
too bad. I could not find anything good in me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Terrible Sunday

Quick update on recent mood: TERRIBLE
kyaaaa....tomorrow is my very first exam here
really worry *crying*
and fyi, tomorrow's exam would be Advance Statistics! ok, this topic is already scaring enough for me and this is worsen by the fact that am gonna have this as the very first exam in wur - multiple layers of worriedness :p last but not least, English is not my mother tongue, I must admitted that I am also afraid if I'd be interpreting the question differently or wrong.. *pheww*

Students are allowed to bring the text book, by far we've been using Ott and Longnecker book, very rich w/ examples and exercises. We can also bring a summary in two-sided A4 and in our own handwriting. am working on it now. It's not easy to make a summary that will effectively help you during the exam. This is not just a matter of putting the formulas from lecture notes to something more condensed version.

well, enough, am grumbling too much...back to study!

wait wait wait - one more thing, staying at home during the study week has been successfully turning me to be a humpty-dumpty sad :( have to work harder in gym after the exams.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Indomie Seleraku

Apart from the issue of deadly content in Indomie, I am consistently having this addicting noodle for lunch these last three days during the study week.

The only variation I made was this poor lumpia :p I simply sautéed some vegetables and carelessly wrapped them up w/ lumpia pastries. I had this yesterday.

I try to make this Indomie as good as possible to feed my nutritional needs by adding some veggies+egg/shrimp/meatball.

poor Kiki :( hope I have much more appropriate meals tomorrow

one more thing, oh gosh - this is my third day not to get out of my house at all.. *pheww*

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Snack" Bar

Few times back, I had my sat nite dinner w/ friends at a snack bar nearby...
trust me, you never know what snacks you are dealing with at the bar here. huuuge portion of french fries, chicken satay and soup. ck ck ck.

Next time, I'll be more careful to define what snack is.

Sunrise in my eyes

What a perfect morning.....

Study Week

Exam is coming rather fast and study week's just started...

nothing more I am waiting for but get through this high tense periods

wish for me! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nosebleed and Bumi Manusia

well ya, after having a fever for quite a bit, my nose keeps bleeding now coz my body hasnt adapted well yet to the cold weather. Yesterday the temp reached -3oC.

Anyway, I came across an inspiring quote from Pramoedya Ananta Toer last nite. He's the famous writer from Indonesia. He was jailed for couples of time due to his controversial books on cultural breakthrough, criticizing governance and some other sensitive areas.

Jangan sebut aku perempuan sejati kalau aku masih hidup berkalang lelaki. Tapi bukan berarti aku tidak butuh lelaki untuk kucintai
- Bumi Manusia -

free translation from those above words are:
Do not name me a true woman if I still depended on a man. But that does not mean I do not need a man to love.

freedom is perfectly worded here. woman needs some space for a self-being, but that doesn't mean she is totally lost. She still respects man properly.

have a great sunday everyone!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Slices of Apple

I normally just bite when I eat apples, never care bout slicing them
but today, I hardly open my mouth and decided to slice them into pieces, hope this will be easier for me to eat - not really sure though, coz I feel bitter on my tongue, dont want to eat! :(

I phoned Benny yesterday by the way, particularly to tell him that am sick...he ended up w/ sending me his newest pic and he asked me to take some medicines.

Big hugs for Yessie, Sacha, Krystal, Mai for taking care of me. Hope am gonna feel better soon.
*) stop telling me comments that he looks younger guys...ok?! :p

My Room was on "Fire"

well, my room was literally on fire yesterday...very bad
The story begins w/ the fever, my body chose the right time to sick - ya, a week heading to the exams
I dont know whether this is because of the weather change or viruses
I fried some snacks+chicken and I left it for a little nap, then I suddenly smelt something bad
and wow, my kitchen was burned!

have no idea how to fix them up, I'll be working on it later when I feel better...phewww, I feel horrible - got fever and pain on my bones. I skip the class today, emailed the professor and thankful he allows me to take a rest.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pizza: "Punten...."

Not sure if you find this pic funny:

(pic was taken in Utrecht)

in my mother tongue, "punten" means "excuse me"
so this pizza booth seems to me as someone who asked for an excuse
*silly grin*

Autum is coming

Have I told you that the trees are turning into the cute yellow already?
Last weekend, I spent my saturday in Utrecht - a neighboring city
took some pics of autumn

they also went for shopping

Lovely weather......

Messy week

hihi, didnt realize that time flies rather fast
red line for my daily life last week: COMPLETELY MESS

I had some paper works, moving - yes am moving to a new room now, and summarizing reading materials coz the exam is coming in the next two weeks.

I decided to move to the other room but still within my current flat. A friend just finished her thesis and back home soon, so she offered the room to me. In addition to kitchen, this room has private bathroom and toilet. After quite a while in my old room and sharing the shower room w/ the other corridor mates, I prefer to have my own bathroom, more comfortable I assumed. Likewise, this room also has good view. some pics of my new room:

I never know that moving is soooo much time consuming. Especially when you are moving internally or room exchange with a friend. The house company does not responsible for cleaning and clearing out the stuffs if we are exchanging the room internally. The company only takes the note and changes your tenancy contract.

Fyi, I took more than an hour to only clean this electric stove - you can imagine how many hour I spent to clean the whole room, unpacked and arrange my stuffs *phewww*

before (left hand) and after (right hand) cleaning....what an effort, thanks to the magic liquid named CIF to make life easier.

gladly to say that now this room is cushioned

ok, I'll keep the other story on paper work and reading summary for myself, I bet you'd be bored to hear me talked bout them