Monday, February 28, 2011

Welkom bij Nederland

This country never stops giving me surprising story. After a wow story about my m-drive, recently I just got another one.

Okay, name me messy, that's just what I actually am
(am pretty sure that once Benny read this post, he will give a big grin and fully agree nod).

I lost my student card last week. I had a small test for my current course on tuesday in Radix building. This building is equipped by an automatic door which you can only open by a valid pass card. Students can get in to particular parts of this building by using their student card. So that's what I did.

After finishing the test, I got out of the building, using my card again to open that such a door, went to the bicycle racks and cycling home. As far as I remember, I put my card in the coat pocket. Arrived at home, take off my coat and realized that the card was no longer there!
Panic? yes. coz I have another classes in the same building on the next day. Without the card = No entry.

Early in the morning of the next day, I asked the reception desk if anyone found and returned my card, but they have no clue. So I decided to report this lost to the student administration desk. They asked for clarification about how I lost my card, check my personal detail in the database, fined me for 15 euro and said that my new card will be ready for collection on the next day. That's all. What a surprise! and I got a temporary card to get in to the building on that day.

Nothing complicated. Simple procedure. Everything is controlled in a centralized system. Easy.
Back home in my country, if you lost any card - especially ID card, well you are in a huge trouble dude. You have to report the lost to the police office, get a police reference before proceed to ask for a new card. The procedure for getting this new card would be unbelievably difficult. Trust me.

Anyhow, welkom bij Nederland! I like this system :p

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