Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a long haul to Holland

wooohooo, I missed bout a week not to post anything on this blog. I safely arrived in Wageningen August 19.
I must admitted that I failed to keep myself regularly post some notes

well, ok then I'll share some pics on my way here to Wageningen *phewww* what a tiring flight
the story begin w/ a messy schedule of my flight. I supposedly fly at 7.45 pm and I sharply arrived at the airport at around 5. Straightly went to the check in counter and shocked by a short comment from the officer that my flight was re-scheduled to 6.30 >>> means that I only have a very short time left to say goodbye to my parents and Benny *sigh*

After a rush goodbye followed by a rush boarding the aircraft, the flight stop by at Kuala Lumpur....
Mba Telly and Sacha were dying to get a connection w/ home:

I was too exhausted to find anyway to be in touch w/ my parents and Benny, I believe that they are ok to see me away.

After another 12 hours flight, we finally arrived at Schiphol Airport and being fetched up by some friends and directly took a train to Ede-Wageningen. And Yayyy...safely put my body down on the bed in my new room!

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