Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I don't quit blogging people, just took an extremely long break writing in this playground ;p but I posted quite a number in my other playground Tumblr
The ryhtm of my life has been outrageously changed lately.
Never really sure what's behind this change but I kinda lost in it.
not gonna talk bout that in this post, too miserable.

Time flies and my first year in Holland has gone without me knowing it.
Despite one optional course that I ignore, all the courses have been taken and completed.
I've to do thesis research and internship this year. I started with the first one last July, expect to finish by January next year. Unlike most of friends of mine who prefer to do the thesis research in their home country, I pick Holland for my research. Specifically it's a newly reclaimed land in the north of Holland called Flevoland. This area is unique. It used to be part of the sea but due to an urgent need for expasion in 1917 the government of Holland reclaimed and enclosed this area to the mainland. I must admit that Dutch is at the forefront in water management, in early 19s they had successfully reclaimed and expand the area to the sea. Most of the area currently is allocated for agricultural activities.

Second thing on my ToDoList this year is internship. After few rejections from the UN-bodies and development agencies, I accidentally bump into an old friend from US in a workshop in Den Haag. He was one of the panelists in the workshop. Having a small chat during the tea break lead us to a conversation about internship in his joint project with my university. Apparently he is running an interesting project with one of the research centers in WUR now. The project is focusing on the land use policy optimisation in VietNam. The talk got more interesting and we set up a lunch meeting with people from the partnering research center from my unversity. I sent my CV, motivation and other supporting documents for their perusal and ayayayay..everything's set! :)

Enough for today, gotta back to work. More posts coming up....hasta la vista people!

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