Tuesday, April 5, 2011


*bersihin sarang laba-laba dulu sebelum mulai nulis*
owrait people, last 2 weekends were way too busy than I expected.
on 26-27 March a friend from Indonesia came to Amsterdam and I kinda escorted her for sightseeing. We visited Volendam and went around the city center of Amsterdam. More pics are here.

another friend of mine was leaving back to Indonesia for 1 month holiday and I took her to the airport last friday, she carried much more things than she intended to :p *pheww
I attended an Indonesian event in Den Haag as well, it's called Pasar Malam Indonesia (PMI) where you can find traditional performances, food, handicrafts, arts, and all about Indonesia. In addition to promoting Indonesian culture, I suppose this event is dedicated for nostalgia as there were lots of senior citizens coming to the event, ya Dutch ruled in Indonesia until 1945. PMI is conducted on 1-7 April 2011.

and my last weekend was closed by visiting Nijmegen with Mai and Luy, a small but cute city..rather close to wageningen, I traveled for only 30 mins to get there. pics are here.
I know, this post is somehow just a mess, not in a mood to write a good flow story. sorry for this.

ps: hey, blogspot introduced new feature to better view the posts..try this >> kikikartikasari.blogspot.com/view/sidebar

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