Saturday, January 1, 2011

Menunggu kamu...

[text message]
"happy new year hon, hope you start your first day in 2011 perfectly"

"yope, happy new year for you too"

[phone call]
K: "hi hon, howdy?"
*some noise*
B: "am on the way hon, can't hear u well. driving downtown. gonna buy some stuffs"
K: "Ok I'll just ring you back later"

[text message]
"at home already? oh come on, I didn't hear anything back from u"

"sooo sorry. still on the way back. traffic jam everywhere. will let u know when am home"
"hon, am home. what u doin?"

*a little gap*

[phone call]
K: "sorry I was cooking my dinner and just read ur txt mssg now"
B: "oh..." *yawning
K: "you're sleeping already hon?"
B: "ya..."
K: "well, ok then. bye"


saya menunggumu, di tengah dunia sempit di meja ini.
Di depan layar komputer yang menyala ---- kireinaenno

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