Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dan penyakit jantungan periodik saya dimulai...

a week more to go and Period 3 is finished!
an exam+presentation for the final result of assignment are coming along by the end of this period
and I'm here now. Silently looking at the computer screen. Wishing that everything there would have been channeled out by a magical hand to my empty head.
ok, the damn-horrible-reguler heart attack period is coming (-.-")
anyhowww...good thing is: am gonna take a little stroll to barca and rome after the exam, yayyyy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Naubaru Nuramado

Saturday is always perfect for family time.
Benny spent his weekend to come and watch Nauval - our lovely nephew play futsal and kindly shared me some pics from the match.

not sure whether those are good maneuver, am not a soccer expert :p

Lovely to see how he is now. Back in 2006, he was just a little boy that kinda confused by some cultural changes.He used to live in Japan for quite a while, barely spoke Bahasa Indonesia.

[phone call]
me: "Hallo oval, apa kabar?"
him: "Errr...mmm..."
#yelling out#
him: "Oom should I answer Apa Kabar?"

First day in school was a nightmare, everyone in the class was able to sing Balonku Ada Lima and he wasn't!
he was so angry and ran back home.

Well, he's growing anyway, has lots of friend now, never left his biggest love to soccer....Naubaru Nuramado :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Menunggu kamu...

[text message]
"happy new year hon, hope you start your first day in 2011 perfectly"

"yope, happy new year for you too"

[phone call]
K: "hi hon, howdy?"
*some noise*
B: "am on the way hon, can't hear u well. driving downtown. gonna buy some stuffs"
K: "Ok I'll just ring you back later"

[text message]
"at home already? oh come on, I didn't hear anything back from u"

"sooo sorry. still on the way back. traffic jam everywhere. will let u know when am home"
"hon, am home. what u doin?"

*a little gap*

[phone call]
K: "sorry I was cooking my dinner and just read ur txt mssg now"
B: "oh..." *yawning
K: "you're sleeping already hon?"
B: "ya..."
K: "well, ok then. bye"


saya menunggumu, di tengah dunia sempit di meja ini.
Di depan layar komputer yang menyala ---- kireinaenno