Friday, December 3, 2010

Kabul?! whatttt....

yes, that's my first question to Benny last time when we had a serious phone talk bout his short term planning.
soon UN earthquake recovery network in Padang will be finished.

some staff will be distributed to other UN mission and some other might stay for Mentawai Response - as fyi there was another earthquake attack in west sumatra recently, it was in Mentawai.

well, ok..then we ended up w/ the discussion that available post for Geo Info system specialist is in Kabul - Afghanistan.*phewwww*
He's been confirmed by the HR department bout this but then he postponed to give his answer. Basically he left this on my hand to decide whether or not to take this offer.

Hummm, I've actually never had any objection for his work. The worst case by far was Timor Leste 2009, we nearly had NO way to get in touch when he was there. coz he traveled a lot to remote areas in Timor Leste, which we are very much aware how difficult to find any internet connection or even cell phone contact. He was there for 8 months and I must admitted that was the most difficult 8 months in our relationship. But we're ok anyway. Even we didn't talk over the phone at all but time to time if he had a spare time during weekend he took a morning flight to Bali, crossed the country and we met.

Then now, Kabul....mmm, what should I say...

I googled, and we positively say NO :D

Hope he's good enough to convince his boss and ask for a position in Jakarta :p

goodluck boiboi!

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