Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Return [?]

ow yea, I leave this playground for couple of weeks..bang my head, am not a good blogger.
in spite of enjoying my new playground >> here in
Tumblr, I also don't even realize that time flies and loads of thing happen to me recently even without am knowing it. Anyway few more thing bout Tumblr, I enjoy this micro-blogging features, easier and the layout looks fancy somehow. Then I turned to pay more attention there lately.

okay, first thing first...I finished my period 4 (Finally!). frankly I like the class in period 4, lots of new experiences. I had both field and pot experiments, bit of lab work, bit!
next thing is thesis and internship plan, time flies and I only have 1 period to go for courses and another year would be focusing on thesis and internship

I start to busy applying for internship and also approaching several thesis possibilities. Damn ya, thesis! this is irritating but exciting at the same time. am not gonna work too far beyond my ultimate background, climate. indeed, am now doing plant science for the degree but loads of its area related to climate. So I suppose there are some open possibilities for linking both fields.

soooo, I spend most of the time recently by doing 15 credits of courses in period 5 and thesis/internship plan.

Can't speak further, this post's just sort of quick update and return [?]...hasta la vista, ciao!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just got some new pics from Benny, new duty station and new area of work. After working with the humanitarian issues for quite a while, he is now working with infrastructure and this kind of things :p >>

Saturday, March 5, 2011

kamu ditambah sendal jepit, celana pendek, kaos oblong dan topi kap lampumu
adalah hal-hal yang sedang saya rindukan sekarang
beach sand
you with your old pair of sandals, short, t-shirt and that bucket hat :)
are the things that I am now longing for